So Ive been dawdling about getting to day 14. I completed day 13 a few days ago (done before i posted it) but Beau began training late every night and having to leave early each a.m. so I was barely getting to speak to him much less work on the Love Dare. I also picked up a new Bible study with a group of ladies from my church and Im finding it hard to juggle two. I decided today to persevere even through Beaus absence etc. Ill text the Love Dare if I have to :)
Day 13 was to discuss the rules you chose for your relationship. If you have no interest in the Love Dare, still do it! it is sooo important and changed our marriage for the better, years ago!
Day 14
Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life ....Ecclesiastes 9:9
Well there you have it, the Bible commands us to enjoy life together. If you love your partner but arent currently enjoying life with them, its time to change that. Take a class, pray about it, put more effort in, take a vacation, do something, anything to bring joy back into the relationship because enjoying their presence is so important for a healthy marriage. Who wants to be married forever to someone they have no interest in? :(
This chapter is about taking delight in your partner. We first visit the newlyweds. Things are fun and fresh and have just begun, romance is in the air along with hope for the future. New love is an amazing gift from above, but few people have decided to love another, in those early stages. Making that decision to love another person, regardless of all, as Christ love us, that decision to be unconditionally bonded with this person forever, is almost bigger than that wedding day....well it is, its just too bad we dont celebrate it. If you are fortunate enough to make that decision on your wedding day, Amen, what a blessing. Many of us dont truly come to understand the meaning of love and commitment until afterwards. The really lucky ones (like me :) figure it out before it is too late. Those marriages survive. Statistics would show that about half of us are not so lucky :( People divorce because one or both people never decided to love the other, resulting in behaviors, words, actions, habits that led to divorce.
"You get to choose what to treasure". soooo, you can choose to treasure your career, your home, your flatscreen tv the largest on the block, or yes even your prized stash of baby carriers.....or you can choose to treasure you spouse! Think of them as lovingly as you do that chrome artisan Kitchen Aid mixer :)
"its time to remember why you once fell in love" "flirt again, dream again, delight"
"for some today's dare may be a small step away, to others a giant leap from disgust" wowza, sadly i know a few friends who are in that place. I hope they can pull out of it because disgust is no fun. Nobody wants to be disgusting or disgusted bleh!!!
Dare of the day: purposefully neglect an activity you would normally spend time on and give that time to your spouse.
Wreaths Across America: Margraten, Netherlands
5 years ago
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