Monday, March 15, 2010

Fake it till ya make it..

Its no secret I have not been all that thrilled with things the past few days. Im definately in a funk for sure. I have good reason, i feel entitled, that makes it ok right? hmmm....maybe....not so much

When I was younger, i hated "fake" people. I thought that was the worst thing to be. If you are mad or dislike someone or something you should act accordingly. If you act nice about it you are fake and that is awful. Much more awful than just being awful right?

As I have gotten older I have caught myself doing this more and more. Then i realized fake isnt exactly fake. In somethings maybe it is, like babies and hair. A doll will never be a real baby, and fake hair is fake hair no matter how pretty. But a fake friendship can turn into love. Sure you are just being nice to someone who you are strongly irritated by (carrie calls this my Miss Courtney face) but God may turn that "fake" friendship into a real one filled with love. Unlike the fake baby, it has the potential to grow and change and God can make it into the best friendship you have ever had. A fake smile can turn into a wave which lands you a hug and ends up a kiss and finally you have a forever partner. That fake affection you show to a dog who keeps bugging you, most often is returned with genuine adoration.

So fake isnt allways so bad. I might be sad about something, but heck, I will go to the park with my fake smile with my beautiful children in tow and before you know it im smiling for real. In time i have lost my way back to that frown. And in even more time, i might remember my frown and go looking for it (hunting for your frown is called self pity and he is a FAKE friend for sure). So I have a plan, instead of hunting for my frown, im gonna find my big girl panties! Sure they used to be cute Victoria Secret ones but are a little outta shape since they did that stint as maternity big butt coverups, but they will do. I will wear them and my smile proudly. And before you know it my smile will kick my frown's A$$!!!!!
but remember ladies, fake hair will most likely fall out and it is no substitute for the fake smile. If you carry around the fake baby you will probably recieve a fake smile so when in doubt choose the fake baby if you must go for one of the two :)
and here is my rap debut cause i am a closet rap artist
turn that frown upside down
do a break dance then spin it around
if you see me frownin just give me a thump
lets jump it around and do a big booty bump
like my frown my booty will dissappear
its fading fast you might and that is clear
so im gonna smile and wear it proud
and your are dead if you see me and share this rap out loud , word!!!
haaaaaaaaaaa i have had to much starbucks today!


  1. Love the rap!! I'm here doing it in my head (since DH is sitting next me) and bopping my head. ;)

    I totally get this post because I've always felt the same way. I really hope everything works out for you and you stay happy for real. :) ((((goodvibes))))

  2. You're so awesome, and rapper talented!!!!
